Superconductor Luxury hovercar

The superconductor is a high tech hovercar, one of the most sold sport cars in the history, and is availabla at the price of 1,200,000 credits per unit.

Espada-class Hovercar

 The Espada-class Luxury Hovercar is a luxury sedan hovercar, and is available at the price 650,000 credits per unit.

Terran Vulture-class hovercycle

The Terran Vulture-Class Hovercycle is top of the line, capable of traveling at 200 miles per hour in the regular package (it can be alterred to meet requested specifications), the TVC Hovercycle is a mean machine in the hands of the right driver, it can turn on a dime, and only needs to be refueled once every other year, it is a great scouting vehicle, and an incredibly popular leisure vehicle.
It is available for the price of 70,000 credits per unit.

Lux hocercar

The Lux is a luxury sports hovercar, and is available at the price of  850,000  credits per unit.

Jade class luxury starship

The Jade is a ultra fast luxury starship, used commonly by governors and other political players of the empire. Is available at the price of 2  billion credits per unit.