Adeptus Administratum

The Adeptus Administratum is the administrative and bureaucratic division of the Empire , the heart of the gigantic bureaucracy that controls the government of the Empire, consisting of untold billions of clerks, scribes and administrative staff constantly working to manage the Imperium at every level, from assembling war fleets to levying taxes. It is the largest of the departments comprising the Empire, and ten billion Administratum adepts work in the Imperial Palace on Kor alone. Its billions of officials on Kor and throughout the galaxy are constantly carrying out population censuses, working out tithes, recording and archiving information, and the million other things that are necessary for the running of the Empire. Such is its immense size, that whole departments of the Administratum have been submerged by a sea of complex bureaucracy, becoming lost in loops of paper trails. Other departments have continued to dogmatically operate and carry out their founding function, even if the intent and requirement behind them no longer exists.