Adeptus Psyquika

A psyker of the Libentum Order
The Adeptus Psyquika is responsible for the creation of the Holy Orders and specializing the psykers. Although psykers are getting useless, since the chaotic tribes of the galaxy have been annihilated, some orders still help the empire. The trained psykers are shipped to the nearest planetary astronomican beacon in the infamous black ships. The psykers are responsible to maintain the safety on the hyperdrive travel, and to prevent chaos to reign in the hyperspeed dimension, which is made of pure energy. The main orders of psykers in the empire are:
Libentum Order
Founded by Markus Libertus II, the Libentum order specialises in the fighting techniques of the dark magic. They can be easily found on military worlds, where the Royal Army recruits them to help fight off enemies.
Kineean Order
The Kineean order was founded by Lutherus Biss IV, and is specialized in the balance of the hyper dimension, they can maintain the order in the hyper dimension. They control the astronomican beacons(the majority), and are often called the Hyperium Angels.
Grypphis Order
The Grypphis order is responsible to suppress and avoid warp storms in the imperial territory. Founded by The Great Emperor Magnus I, the Grypphis order was vital to the existance of the empire.

Psykers are no longer recruited, since the chaos tribes in the galaxy have been destroyed. The remaining psykers however, help make hyperspeed travel safer and quicker, help in the army and make other tasks in the empire.